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3 Steps to Get Ready for Science

Welcome back! We are providing you with a 3-step checklist to simplify opening your classroom.

1. Inventory and Prepare Your Kits

Taking an inventory of your kits not only lets you know what you need before teaching the modules again, but also gives you an opportunity to clean and organize the equipment to ensure lessons run smoothly.

Tips for kit inventory:
  • Order components using the Smithsonian Programs Components Catalog (follow ordering instructions in catalog).
  • Order module refurbishment sets that contain all consumable materials.
  • Additional consumables are packed in a brown Carolina box labeled with kit name and “2nd-Use Box.”
  • Living material order sheets are in a clear adhesive envelope attached to the 2nd-Use Box. If you cannot locate these sheets, Carolina’s Customer Service department can help you.

2. Prepare for Your First Lesson

Follow these tips to be ready to teach your first Smithsonian Science for the Classroom™ module lesson.
  • View the Lesson 1 Teacher Resource Video.
  • Review the lesson materials:
  • Review the Needed-But-Not-Supplied lists by lesson and determine what you already have and what you need to gather.
  • Look for Plan Ahead tips for materials you may need to prepare ahead of time. For example, do you need to plant seeds or order living materials?
  • Order living materials 2 weeks ahead of time to ensure you’ll receive them when needed.

3. Update Carolina Science Online (CSO) is Carolina’s eLearning platform with lots of features and digital resources. Here are some tips to help you prepare your student rosters and Smithsonian Science content on CSO.

  • Order components using the Smithsonian Programs Components Catalog (follow ordering instructions in catalog).
  • Order module refurbishment sets that contain all consumable materials.
  • Additional consumables are packed in a brown Carolina box labeled with kit name and “2nd-Use Box.”
  • Living material order sheets are in a clear adhesive envelope attached to the 2nd-Use Box. If you cannot locate these sheets, Carolina’s Customer Service department can help you.
Follow these tips to be ready to teach your first Smithsonian Science for the Classroom™ module lesson.
View helpful tutorials for using CSO.

If you’re not already on CSO and would like to get started, contact Michelle Fredrickson at

Download a printable version of this checklist to use when you’re opening your classroom!

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