Unleashing the Power of Student Curiosity
The phenomenon-based Smithsonian Programs encourage students to follow their natural curiosity and drive their own learning process. Each module begins with a reallife problem and a central driving question. These driving questions serve to motivate students and tie together the concepts found within the PE bundle. The students then construct scientific explanations for natural phenomena and design solutions to problems that all feed into the larger driving question. The student-led investigations are hands-on, collaborative, and build over time, and conclude with a culminating challenge—a science challenge or design challenge, depending on the module. As Ms. Farias describes, “The Smithsonian pedagogy of inquiry and starting with a focused question really gets the kids thinking and then spending collaborative time to discuss and explore.” The students engage in all three dimensions of learning through this process, for example:
- They use the Scientific and Engineering Practices dimension when they plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret their data, and engage in argument based on their evidence.
- They use the Disciplinary Core Ideas dimension as they engage with life science, Earth science, and physical science content, such as when they research and learn about the topic they are investigating, ask and find answers to their questions, and participate in collaborative discussions.
- They use the Crosscutting Concepts dimension as they identify patterns in their data, evaluate possible cause and effect relationships, and develop and evaluate system models.
In a sample 3-dimensional lesson, first graders might examine their shadow over time and consider the question, “Why is my shadow shorter sometimes and longer other times?” Students share their initial ideas about the question, make and record observations of shadows, develop and use a model to figure out the Sun’s apparent daily pattern of motion in the sky, and check the accuracy of their model by observing photographs of the Sun. At the end, students explain why their shadow is shorter sometimes and longer other times. As Ms. Cohen says, “In reality, they are driving more of the instruction than they realize.”
Dr. Ruby and the Brookfield teachers also find the inquiry approach helps students strengthen their critical-thinking skills. By consistently leading students back to their own investigations, teachers are encouraging students to use the data they generate to solve the problem and find answers to their own questions. Continuous focus on and support of problem-solving abilities not only prepare students for the state assessment, but also help them build skills for college and the workforce.
Dr. Ruby expresses her appreciation for the NGSS approach: “The standards are designed so that we teach children how to think and problem solve in the context of science disciplines and disciplinary literacy. When students are thinking like scientists, talking like scientists, and reading the materials through the lens of scientists, then they can perform like scientists. This way of learning levels the playing field for all different types of learners. Students start thinking of themselves as being capable and feeling like real scientists.”