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Student Resource Public Evaluation

Thank you for reviewing Smithsonian Science for the Classroom (K-2).

Use the links in this matrix below to view a digital representation of the Student Resource for Smithsonian Science for the Classroom. Use the arrows to flip through pages and view content.

  Life Science Earth and Space Science Physical Science Engineering Design
Grade K What Do Plants and Animals Need to Live?
Reader Title: Wander and Wonder
How Can We Be Ready for the Weather?
Reader Title: What’s the Weather
How Can We Change an Object's Motion?
Reader Title: Tennis Tests
How Can We Stay Cool in the Sun?
Reader Title: Keeping Cool at the Zoo
Grade 1 How Do Living Things Stay Safe and Grow?
Reader Title: Survival Stories
How Can We Predict When the Sky Will Be Dark?
Reader Title: Sky Patterns
How Can We Light Our Way in the Dark?
Reader Title: Shining the Light
How Can We Send a Message Using Sound?
Reader Title: Beats and Banjos
Grade 2 How Can We Find the Best Place for a Plant to Grow?
Reader Title: Blossoms, Bees & Seeds
How Can We Map Land and Water on Earth?
Reader Title: Mapping Earth
How Can We Change Solids and Liquids?
Reader Title: Art in Science
How Can We Stop Land From Washing Away?
Reader Title: Changing Earth

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