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Teacher Testimonials

District Science Coach Heather Toothaker is thrilled to be able to provide all her K–8 students with customizable, engaging, hands-on science learning from Carolina.

Connecticut’s New Haven Public Schools District has a total of 44 schools with an enrollment of nearly 19,000 students. This includes 20 magnet schools, several of which emphasize science, technology, and engineering for grades K–12. All of this effort and opportunity means that Heather Toothaker, the District Science Coach, has her work cut out for her. Thankfully, it is a challenge she enthusiastically embraces.


In 2021, the district began searching for new science curricula for grades K–5 and 6–8. The district formed an Evaluation Team that identified a set of criteria and used it to search for and screen potential programs. The team included Ms. Toothaker, elementary teachers, middle school science teachers, non-science teachers, and the head of curriculum. The district wisely committed to evaluating the candidates from many different perspectives.

The criteria included preferences, district challenges, and state requirements. One of the first things Toothaker noted was that “we wanted the new programs to take a uniform approach across the grades and be from the same provider.”

Also important was good teacher support from the provider, easy-to-follow preparation instructions and teaching tips, and an emphasis on hands-on learning. As Toothaker explains, “We didn’t want students doing all of their science experiments on a computer.”

Two key district challenges that the curricula needed to address were:

  • Nearly one-quarter of district students were native Spanish speakers learning the English language, which demanded curricula with multi-lingual components that support both students and teachers.
  • The range of science intensity and the time allotted for science varied between regular and magnet schools and among the different grade levels, necessitating agile curricula that could be adapted for all science classrooms.


Finally, the new curricula needed to be NGSS-aligned to meet the State of Connecticut’s science standards.

The screening process identified programs from three companies for pilot testing, including the Smithsonian curricula for grades K–5 and 6–8 from Carolina. The Smithsonian K–5 curriculum was pilot tested in 2021–2022, and the 6–8 curriculum in 2022–2023.


The Evaluation Team overwhelmingly selected the Smithsonian Science for the Classroom program for grades K–5. It was implemented in the 2022–2023 school year with great success. In fact, Toothaker says, “The success of the elementary curriculum was a big factor in our choice of the Smithsonian Science and Technology Concepts for Middle School (STCMS™) for grades 6–8,” which was launched in the 2023–2024 school year.


The district is now wrapping up their second year of using the Smithsonian elementary curriculum and their first year of using the middle school curriculum. When asked how students respond to the new science lessons, Toothaker happily reports that “the students are now very engaged with their science lessons and actually look forward to it.” Some elementary students even ask when they can do more science!

The teachers are equally pleased with the curricula. “They love the programs,” says Toothaker, “and the elementary teachers are especially happy to have a science program they can easily fit into their classroom schedules.” The magnet school teachers also find that the programs’ flexibility makes it easy for them to adapt it to the needs of specific classes.

Both the teachers and Toothaker enjoy the top-notch training provided by Carolina. “They are always ready to accommodate our schedules and have held after-school and full-day training at different times of the year,” she explains. “I also like that Carolina provides a dedicated person for all of our training, and Holly Baldwin does a phenomenal job!”

Toothaker and the teachers also appreciate the exceptional customer support that Carolina provides. “The Carolina support team does an amazing job when we need support, have questions, need replacement items, and are ready to refurbish our lab kits,” she happily reports.

Here are some of the features that really spoke to the Evaluation Team, and ultimately how the decision was made to choose the  Smithsonian Science for the Classroom program for grades K–5. 

  • NGSS aligned
  • Uniform approach across grades
  • Adaptable structure
  • Comprehensive teacher support
  • Engaging hands-on learning
  • Spanish language resources


The students and teachers of the New Haven Public Schools District are experiencing a wave of science excitement and learning thanks to the Smithsonian Science for the Classroom elementary curriculum and the Smithsonian Science and Technology Concepts for Middle School (STCMS™) curriculum!

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