Thinking Like an Engineer
How all elementary students can learn to solve problems like an engineer
By Theresa Green
National Science Foundation Intern
Smithsonian Science Education Center
Engineering: Part of STEM Learning
- They use scientific practices when they design and test their ideas.
- They use and improve different forms of technology to solve problems that the world encounters every day.
- They design systems that purify groundwater, devices that allow people to communicate over long distances, and buildings that are resistant to earthquakes.
Working Within Design Criteria and Constraints
Elementary Engineers Work in Teams
Alternatively, students can initially be divided into groups or teams to collaboratively generate solution ideas. This affords students the opportunity to learn from the diverse perspectives of their classmates and recognize that people approach problems in different ways.
Engineers must also be able to communicate and present their ideas so the ideas can be understood by others. Students can first choose a method for how they would like to document and communicate their ideas. Some examples may include drawings or written descriptions. Students then use these artifacts to communicate their ideas with a partner or a team when they are generating solution ideas together. Once each team has selected a final solution idea, student teams can present their solutions to the rest of the class. They would be able to justify their choices and explain how they believe their ideas solve the given engineering problem. Alternatively, the class could hold a gallery display of the student teams’ design solutions to see how others approached solving the given problem.
Carr, R. L., L. D. Bennett, & J. Strobel. 2013. “Engineering in the K–12 STEM Standards of the 50 U.S. States: An Analysis of Presence and Extent.” Journal of Engineering Education 101, issue 3 (January): 539–564. https://doi. org/10.1002/j.2168-9830.2012.tb00061.x.
Cervetti, G. N., J. Barber, R. Dorph, P. D. Pearson, and P. G. Goldschmidt. 2012. “The impact of an integrated approach to science and literacy in elementary school classrooms.” Journal of Research in Science Teaching 49, no. 5 (April): 631–658. tea.21015.
Cunningham, C. M. 2009. “Engineering Is Elementary.” The Bridge: Linking Engineering and Society 39, no. 3 (Fall): 11–17.
Katehi, L., G. Pearson, and M. Feder. 2009. “The Status and Nature of K–12 Engineering Education in the United States.” The Bridge: Linking Engineering and Society 39, no. 3 (Fall): 5–10. aspx?id=16147.
Lucas, B., and J. Hanson. 2016. “Thinking Like an Engineer: Using Engineering Habits of Mind and Signature Pedagogies to Redesign Engineering Education.” International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 6, issue 2: 4–13. v6i2.5366.
National Research Council. 2010. Standards for K–12 Engineering Education? Washington DC: The National Academies Press.
National Research Council. 2012. A Framework for K–12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.
Sneider, C., and L. P. Rosen. 2009. “Towards a Vision for Integrating Engineering into Science and Mathematics Standards.” Standards for K–12 Engineering Education? Washington DC: The National Academies Press. standards-for-k-12-engineering-education.
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