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White Papers, Case Studies, and Infographics

Learn more about Smithsonian programs through a variety of white papers, case studies and infographics.

White Papers


High Touch to High Tech: Computational Thinking in 3–D Science

Once thought to be only a necessary framework for understanding computer science, computational thinking (CT) is increasingly recognized as a fundamental approach to problem-solving that can be applied beyond computer science to other disciplines, including the arts; humanities; social sciences; and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into 3–D Science Classrooms

Through science learning, teachers can incorporate SEL to help students develop and apply social and emotional skills.

Making Sense of Student Sensemaking

How teachers can leverage the wealth of knowledge students bring to the classroom.

Thinking Like an Engineer

How all elementary students can learn to solve problems like an engineer.

Games and Simulations in the Classroom

How interactive media can demonstrate scientific phenomena and enhance the educational experience.

Finding Balance in Middle School Science

How to maintain the integrity of phenomena-based middle school science programs when learning environments change

Telling a STEM Story

How Smithsonian curriculum developers help K–5 students make sense of phenomena and problems

Models: Bringing Real-World Phenomena to School

Whether learning in a physical or virtual classroom, using models helps students understand real-world phenomena— like COVID-19—and solve problems related to phenomena.

Teaching Everyone:

Addressing Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion in the STEM Classroom

Tinkering in Makerspaces:

Developing Skills for a Changing Technological Future

Gender Equity in STEM Education

How Educators Can Help Girls Succeed in All STEM Subjects

Building Thinkers Through Science

What does three-dimensional learning look like in the classroom? Explore examples of learning experiences and assessments in this white paper.

Read Like A Scientist

Teaching science provides an opportunity to meet English Language Arts (ELA) standards and improve reading skills. When you tie language and literacy instruction to science, your students develop disciplinary core understanding while following their curiosity about phenomena.

Focus On The Stuff

The Smithsonian’s Dr. Carol O’Donnell shares why you should focus on “the stuff” and how to order physical and digital experiences to drive learning and engagement.

How Teachers Learn Through Lesson Study

Learn why an increasing number of schools are exploring lesson study as an approach to their teacher professional development programs.

What Middle School Assessment Should Look Like

Learn how a great middle school assessment system can positively impact students’ learning of the multidimensional standards of the NGSS.

Are They Learning? Prove It

3-D Science Assessment in K–5 Classrooms.


Nurturing Young Thinkers

How science can enhance early elementary students’ curiosity and communication skills.

Case Studies


New Haven Public Schools: Finding and Implementing Science Programs for K–8

When the New Haven Public Schools science team began looking for science programs for its grades K–8 schools, they were starting from scratch.


Smithsonian Science for the Classroom™: 3–Dimensional Approach Leads to Teacher and Student Success

“How can I learn to use the Next Generation Science Standards* (NGSS) approach in my classroom?” Many teachers have asked this question since the NGSS were finalized in 2013.

Innovative STEM Funding Program Engages Local Community

See how one educator uses creative funding to provide her district’s students with quality STEM materials.



The Engineering Design Cycle

Through scientific engineering and design, students apply what they have learned to creatively solve real-world problems. This 21st-century skill encourages students to collaborate and exposes them to the idea that one problem can have multiple solutions.

Advancing SEL through 3–D Science

When students are engaged in 3-D science instruction, the development of the SEL skills is naturally being supported. This infographic shows you how.

Smithsonian Science for the Classroom: Science and Engineering Practices Infographic

This student-friendly infographic illustrates the subtle differences and striking similarities in the work of scientist and engineers.

Smithsonian's STCMS: Science and Engineering Practices Infographic

This student-friendly infographic illustrates the subtle differences and striking similarities in the work of scientist and engineers.

Inquiry-Based Science Fosters 21st Century Skills

The Smithsonian’s 5-year LASER i3 validation study provided evidence that grades 1–8 students learning through inquiry-based science education demonstrated real-life skills needed for the workforce.

Inquiry-Based Science Narrows the Learning Gap for At-Risk Students

The Smithsonian’s 5-year LASER i3 validation study revealed that the Smithsonian Science Education Center’s hands-on programs helped ELLs, students with IEPs, and FRLs outperform students in comparison schools in PASS assessments.

Hands-on Science Raises Scores in Science, Reading, and Math

The Smithsonian’s 5-year LASER i3 validation study revealed that the Smithsonian Science Education Center’s inquiry-based programs helped raise student achievement on science, reading, and math assessments.

Smithsonian i3 LASER Research Study

The Smithsonian Science Education Center recently completed a five-year validation study funded by the US Department of Education to test its theory of action—which it calls LASER (Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform). Evidence from the study supports the efficacy claims of hands-on science learning in K–8.

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